City of Jasper
The City of Jasper plans to embark on an ambitious construction project of an indoor sports, recreation and aquatics center. Currently, the only existing indoor sports facilities are school buildings – which are already used for school sports during winter months. The City of Jasper Challenges FFC innovators to provide unique solutions as to how we might develop an indoor sports, recreation, and aquatics facility that is available to the public. Please see the resources tab for more information on the challenge.
Challenges by City of Jasper
Transportation & Lodging
City of Jasper
Spirit of Jasper Train
City of Jasper
Spirit of Jasper Train
Connecting visitors and residents to local Jasper attractions using the existing Spirit of Jasper train
Transportation & Lodging
City of Jasper
Getting Around to It
City of Jasper
Getting Around to It
Increasing transportation accessibility to residents and visitors within the region